Zona Internationala |
| Forum | Teme de discuţii | Răspunsuri | Actualizări |
Various topics (English speaking)
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 3:32 PM
Subiect: New themes
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu
Armies Travian
Reports attacks; deffensive and all the army;
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 3:09 PM
Subiect: Reports defensive
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu
DACIA alliances
Here are listed all alliances Dacia and the game server
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 3:14 PM
Subiect: Introduction
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu
Wonder of the World
Discuss organization Wonder of the World;
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 3:18 PM
Subiect: Introduction
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu
Beginners area
(este vizualizat de către: 1)
The place where we can give advice on the development of both economic and military;
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 3:21 PM
Subiect: Introduction
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu
Support resources for settlers and the founding of the village two;
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 3:25 PM
Subiect: Introduction
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu
(este vizualizat de către: 1)
Looking for sitter for your accounts;
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 3:27 PM
Subiect: Introduction
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu
The area where players can register to be taken into alliances DACIA;
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Duminică, 2011-10-30, 2:58 PM
Subiect: Registering players
Adăugat de: alexeugeniu